Contact Governor Eric Holcomb (R-IN)

Here you will find contact information for Governor Eric Holcomb, including the email address, phone number, and mailing address.

Eric Holcomb

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Name: Eric Holcomb
State: Indiana
Party: Republican
Birth Date: May 2, 1968
Entered Office: January 9, 2017
Address: State House Room 206 Indianapolis, IN 46204-2797
Phone Number: N/A
Website: Official Website


Eric Joseph Holcomb (born May 2, 1968) is an American politician serving as the 51st and current governor of Indiana since 2017. A member of the Republican Party, he served as the 51st lieutenant governor of Indiana from 2016 to 2017 under Governor Mike Pence, now the 48th Vice President of the United States. Holcomb was nominated to fill the remainder of Lieutenant Governor Sue Ellspermann's term after she resigned on March 2, 2016, to become President of Ivy Tech Community College. He won the 2016 election for governor of Indiana over Democratic nominee John R. Gregg.

(Source: Wikipedia)


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