Contact Governor Roy Cooper (D-NC)

Here you will find contact information for Governor Roy Cooper, including the email address, phone number, and mailing address.

Roy Cooper

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Name: Roy Cooper
State: North Carolina
Party: Democrat
Birth Date: June 13, 1957
Entered Office: January 1, 2017
Address: 20301 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-0301
Phone Number: N/A
Website: Official Website


Roy Asberry Cooper III (born June 13, 1957) is an American politician and attorney who has served as the 75th Governor of North Carolina since January 1, 2017. A member of the Democratic Party, Cooper had previously served as the elected Attorney General of North Carolina since 2001. Prior to that, he served in the General Assembly in both the North Carolina House of Representatives and the North Carolina Senate. He defeated Republican incumbent Pat McCrory for the governorship in a close race in the 2016 election. On December 5, McCrory conceded the election, making Cooper the first challenger since 1850 to defeat a sitting North Carolina Governor. Cooper took office on January 1, 2017. The Republican-dominated legislature passed bills in a special session before he took office to reduce the power of the governor's office. The legislature has overridden several of his vetoes of legislation.

(Source: Wikipedia)


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