Recent Comments

  • From Theodore (Ted) P Giltz:

    To Dan Newhouse:

         “Get rid of president musk and reestablish congressional control of budgetsFeb 15, 19:26

  • From John Terrell:

    To J.D. Vance:

         “Mr vice president; my household listened to your munich speech with much satisfaction. Everything you said needed saying. The blowback from the uk and the eu is indicative. These are not democracies. At least, not any longer. Certainly not democratic republics. They are elitist aristocracies, at best. It will be sad to see the uk go, but they seem to be choosing their course. It might be time to cut the tackle away and sail out to sea as we are. A renewal of our liberty and freedom awaits. Regardless, well done and thank you.Feb 15, 18:38

  • From Christoph:

    To J.D. Vance:

         “Dear mr. Vice president, dear mr. J.D.Vance., thank you for your clear words in munich. Unfortunately, they fell on deaf ears. Europe, the eu and unfortunately also switzerland have completely blocked ears and without pressure from outside they will not move an inch. I wasn’t a big us fan under biden, supporting war instead of finding solutions is not a solution, nor is suppressing all voices that tell the truth. Unfortunately, president trump’s time will not be enough to bring europe back on the right path. Let’s hope the usa can end the ukraine war without the european/ch warmongers who now suddenly want to get a bite.Feb 15, 16:32

  • From Marion Duscha:

    To J.D. Vance:

         “Dear j.D. Vance, thank you so much for giving hope and confidence back to me and my friends by your wonderful speech at the munich security conference yesterday. We have had a wide activity and exchange to search in the media for your whole speech, first in english, and then also in german. It was great, your speech!!! Thank you so much. I came from the eastern part of germany in 1989 and enjoyed freedom of speech so much arriving here. During the last years the situation concerning this went very depressing. You gave us hope! Kind regards to you, your family and president trump. We love you! M. DuschaFeb 15, 16:28

  • From ImALadyToo:

    To Mitch McConnell:

         “You are confused. Joe biden is out now.Feb 15, 16:23

  • From ImALadyToo:

    To Mitch McConnell:

         “This clown is an embarrassment to his country, his party and himself. It’s time for you to retire. You’ve been on the government’s teat long enough.Feb 15, 16:22

  • From Mandy Harris:

    To J.D. Vance:

         “Thankyou for your speech mr vance.’ our voices proclaim leadership deaf!’ in the uk, we have had thousands of voices appealing to our leadership over months , petitions protets etc, last weekend, a calm protest of thousands of people lined london streets, bearing union jacks. Yes, we have voices. The media has become more outspoken, and the public by thousands is expressing their views online of this relentless control by our leadership. We had a petition of over 3 million for a re-election, which ended in a small debate in parliament. You have to be here to realize the damage to our country and complete shutdown of our voice ,refusal to listen or be accountable to anyone who disagrees this is a dictatorshp in the making . Thankyou please pass this on to mr trump if you would. Yes we have voices. I am just one small one thankyou for your speech , mandyFeb 15, 14:00

  • From F Randolph:

    To Virginia Foxx:

         “Presidential overreach is contrary to the us constitution and is rampant now. Did you take an oath to protect and defend the constitution ? If so, what are you doing to prevent it’s shredding by elon musk and project 2025? Hackers are already in doge website. All of our information is available to any person, ai or country. Will you work to save our democracy or abandon our constitution and rule of law in trump’s honor?Feb 15, 12:43

  • From BEN BONHAM:

    To Robert Bresnahan:

         “Rob, did you not get the memo? Trump won ! We desperately need fiscal responsibility. Don’t expect to be elected again.Feb 15, 12:18

  • From TBertot432:

    To Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez:

         “Immigrants for the most part are just people trying to live a better life. Those that have gone into our schools and murdered children were not immigrants. The majority of killings in this country and done by americans. Aoc is simply advising them of the rights. If an immigrant is here illegally; he/she should be sent back to their country (everyone agrees with that). All the previous administrations have been doing that for years. Stop believe the lies.Feb 15, 11:57

  • From Wendy Petrowsky:

    To Pete Buttigieg:

         “There is some talk on facebook about wouldn’t it be nice if you were made the democratic press secretary on how to staff and every day came out and let people know what’s going on within our party but if you ran for president, i would definitely vote for you. We have to do something about trumpFeb 15, 11:30

  • From Michael Hermanns:

    To J.D. Vance:

         “Hello mr. Vice president, hello mr. J.D.Vance. I just want to say thank you for your great speech at the munich security conference. You have expressed in clear words what is true and which we citizens of europe are now accused of hate speech and/or insult as a criminal offence by eu laws and german national laws. Thank you so much and maybe you and donald trump can still save our freedom. God protect you and the president of the united states. Warm greetings from germany michael hermanns elon musk thinks, olaf scholz and robert habeck are **** guys…. I mean he’s right.Feb 15, 11:19

  • From B. Johnson:

    To J.D. Vance:

         “Dear mr vance, apart from a few ai generated comments below from your russian pals, i can confidently say that you’ve made many millions of enemies for your country in the eu / uk, to add to those in the middle east, asia, north america and pretty much anywhere. Best of luck for the us in your isolationist future – lolFeb 15, 10:33

  • From Laura MN:

    To Brandon Gill:

         “You sound very racist. True deranged, hateful & angry liberal using identity politics. Don’t even give us “my thoughts & prayers” because you are no christian. A christian wouldn’t debase another human by the way they look (unless it’s a joke, which you liberals can’t handle). Isn’t that what you want us to believe you’re against? Liberals certainly use racism ad nauseum to label any person who does not agree with them. It’s lost its meaning already. In the bible: james 2:10: “for whoever keeps the whole law but fails in one point has become accountable for all of it.” stop being a hypocrite.Feb 15, 09:55

  • From Juergen:

    To J.D. Vance:

         “From a german citizen a big thank you for your words, mr. Vice president. I am embarassed to see how my elected representatives reacted. Like many of my fellow citizens i believe the time for change has come in europe as well.Feb 15, 09:52

  • From Laura MN:

    To Brandon Gill:

         “A true patriotic american citizen does/will not be hateful to our country or sabotage/subvert what’s in our constitution or the laws of the land. Here’s an individual who clearly hates our country and who fraudulently married her own brother to gain citizenry to our country is not a true american citizen. When you take an oath to serve & protect and to uphold the constitution and the laws of our country, which she did, you cannot break the laws. What she is doing is *******. ******* is defined on the federal level in article iii, section 3 of the united states constitution as “only in levying war against [the united states], or in adhering to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort.” there’s clear evidence of her giving aid to enemies. You, jody, are a terrible person to support any unlawfulness/crime in our country. She’s a despicable ingrate, the enemy from “within” that is trying to subvert & damage/destroy our country. Same with aoc. Penalty: death or imprisonment w/fine & must forfeit right to hold any office in the u.S., anyone, including you, who support her criminal behavior should be deported as well!Feb 15, 09:45

  • From Thomas:

    To J.D. Vance:

         “You don’t have a clue about what is happening here in europe. Vance was entirely right about everything he said in his speech. The people he criticised are the real ductators we have to deal with every day. They overthrow elections that don’t go their way (Romania), forced the re-running of a failed referendum here in Ireland to consolidate EU law (which is written by a commission who aren’t elected) over that our own. They fine people if they speak out on certain ‘protected’ issues (germany, sweden, france…) and have jailed people for mocking politicians in Germany.Feb 15, 09:19

  • From Thomas:

    To J.D. Vance:

         “Speaking as an Irishman, Vance was spot-on. The EU ordered the annullment of a legal election. Germany has jailed people for mocking politicians. Islamist terrorism is a weekly event on the continent. Rapes by islamists are epidemic – 7,000 committed by asylum seekers in Germany alone. His speech was very welcome and very timely, and we thank him for itFeb 15, 09:07

  • From Pete:

    To J.D. Vance:

         “Hi Mr Vance From the UK Thank you for showing up our administration for what it is. We have no choice here anymore they all speak the same shameful language. There is a perniciousness in the air here where although these things are not enacted like the prayer in the home, we all feel someone is looking and judging. Open Pub type chats and debate are the thing of the past now. It is called self censorship because so much threat and judgment is heard from our political class we really don’t know what we can say or do so people openly say I dare not talk about that as you never know who is listening and compiling a file on you even on the phone or in the pub. It’s a gotcha system of frightening people not to communicate by media of in open speech and its working well. Once again thank you and when our politicians say it is not so it mostly is so, so ignore them and use your eyes and personal experience because the control is deeper than the actual law its call “chilling”. Look luck Pete.Feb 15, 09:00

  • From Thomas:

    To J.D. Vance:

         “Brilliant speech to the EU, many thanks from us here in Ireland, which the EU has been using through our crooked govt. to impoae censorship.Feb 15, 09:00

  • From Elon Musk:

    To Brandon Gill:

         “The smile and the hairstyle… looks like the kind of guy who would use a date rape drug, doesn’t he?Feb 15, 06:40

  • From Elon Musk:

    To Brandon Gill:

         “Musk loves scifi. Too many episodes of star trek and he wants to build his own population of mind controlled borg using his neuralink implants.Feb 15, 06:35

  • From peter:

    To J.D. Vance:

         “Mister vice president thank you for speaking out against those left winged radical climate and multicultural facists , who bring europe to the brink of destruction with there organized invasion from muslims and africans , european citizens live daily under the muslim terror in every west european city. Iwas a big supporter for president trump since 2016 ,millions of europeans support you now to , there is no democracy in europe , only if you follow like a slave the socialist and green dictators , if you speak out against their invasion policy we are labeled immediatly as nazis etc thank you mr vice president for finally speaking out loud the truth, it was hilarious to see those so called democratic european leaders listen to your very correct speech greetings from a belgian trump/vance supporter like millions other europeansFeb 15, 05:13

  • From John Leonard Smith:

    To J.D. Vance:

         “Vice president, brilliant speech to the eu; feathers among the woke were ruffled by the truth you spoke. Loved the references to ‘silent prayer’ crime here in the uk. Thanks for a refreshing airing of the many faults in my country.Feb 15, 05:03

  • From Judy Hancock:

    To Pete Buttigieg:

         “Run for president on the democratic ticket.Feb 15, 04:08

  • From Judy Hancock:

    To Pete Buttigieg:

         “Do not cut our social safety net!!!Feb 15, 04:08

  • From Rocco Coluccio:

    To Robert F. Kennedy Jr.:

         “Mr. Kennedy i have heard about your movement to make america healthy again. I would like to suggest that by teaching our youth about chastity and not engaging in sexual activity until they are married you can prevent many physical and mental health problems, not to mention also saving unborn babies from being aborted because they were an unplanned pregnancy .If you agree i have ideas on how to implement a chastity based education program as a pilot study and then to expand if successful. thank you and god bless you rocco coluccio norwalk ctFeb 15, 02:51

  • From Dana White:

    To Nancy Pelosi:

         “Dear nancy, please vote no on the 4 trillion budget increase. This is the time that all dems need to pull together and become the party of no. If the government has to shut down for a a little while so be it. We can suffer with some short term pain. We certainly don’t want to leave future generations to struggle in poverty paying for rich guys to screw us all over for years to come.Feb 14, 23:42

  • From Thomas Frangos:

    To J.D. Vance:

         “They aren’t, because nothing they do is based upon logic, reason, or good practices. There are donald puppets in every cabinet position, people who have no idea what they are doing.Feb 14, 22:33

  • From Thomas Frangos:

    To J.D. Vance:

         “Jd vance and his boss are an embarrassment to this great country. They have absolutely no idea who our friends and enemies are. John mccain and george hw bush, both genuine patriots and genuine war heroes, are rolling over in their graves right about now.Feb 14, 22:19

  • From Mae:

    To Maxine Waters:

         “You are the thief, not elon musk! Retire you old bag with your millions that was probably mostly kickbacks! You should be thanking doge for helping the american taxpayers instead of screaming ugly vulgar language at him. He is not the thief!Feb 14, 20:55

  • From Mae:

    To Elizabeth Warren:

         “You are such ugly people! Are you afraid of losing some of your millions? Well, we, the american citizens, are tired of getting screwed over by the government. Why don’t you try living on $32,000 a year while struggling to keep a roof over your head and care for a husband that is a cancer surveillance patient who never got one red cent from any cancer institutions. They advertise that they give help to those in need but then give you a refer you yo another on and another one. None really have funds and i guess we know now because it has been going to immigrants. You are pathetic, and why don’t you get those courts to stop all the crazy people from using vulgar language on the television!Feb 14, 20:51

  • From Mae:

    To Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez:

         “Why are you defending immigrants? Maybe if one of them murdered one of your family members, you would feel differently! You are wrong!!!!Feb 14, 20:40

  • From Patricia Sanchez:

    To J.D. Vance:

         “We want solid proof of all Trump’s and Musk’s claims, not just their imagination. Out of control.Feb 14, 20:15

  • From Carol Klipp:

    To Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez:

         “Look at your bio! You are a narcissist! It is all about you. You don’t belgong in the us government! You only belong on social media as a narcissist. It’s all about you. Go away!Feb 14, 19:26

  • From Judith Hankes:

    To J.D. Vance:

         “I just listened to your munich speech about willingness to listen to alternative perspectives. I would like to know why the genocide taking place in palestine isn’t being discussed. If a blind eye is turned to the atrocities that resulted after the hamas attack, atrocities agains children, women, the elderly, the infirmed and disabled; if the us doesn’t address this crisis, then what you said is hypocritical.Feb 14, 18:21

  • From Klaus Bahlmann:

    To J.D. Vance:

         “Thank you, jd vance from germany. That decisive speech in munich was overdue. You have values ​​and beliefs that you stand up for and are not ashamed of. I appreciate you, and hope that european politicians finally woke up now.Feb 14, 17:37

  • From GIGI HENRY:

    To Jasmine Crockett:

         “Do you not care that there is fraud in our government???? Your screaming and using foul language is not helping.. Please go back and do the work you were elected to do for your dallas community!!! Doge is helping the usa!!Feb 14, 17:19

  • From Grace Andersen:

    To Kamala Harris:

         “Very concerned citizen, i, too am very concerned. Kamala harris should be out there yelling her head off about all the things thrump has been doing. If harris had won, thrump would be there every day picking at everything she did. We need kamala there every day stating all the things thrump is doing and the consequences of them, nipping at thrump every day….Yet, she seems to have disappeared. I can’t believe kamala has dropped us to be swollwed up by thrump and russia which is where all of this is going. Thrump has a friend in russia. Someone out there has to be strong enough to counter what thrumo is doing and kamala didn’t lose by that much, therefore she and the democrats should be doing all they can do to end this now. Also canada and mexico have a big stake in what happens to thrump. We are losing our country and eventually all our rights… Someone must do something. GraceFeb 14, 16:27

  • From Cynthia Marie Bodis:

    To Elissa Slotkin:

         “I totally agree. Elissa, don’t follow the republicand. We voted for a democreat. There is a coup going on & i feel like our government is an oligarkey now. Hopefully you did not approve kennedy, he;s not even a doctor. I feel like elon musk bought himself a president.Feb 14, 14:54

  • From Sally Hoover:

    To J.D. Vance:

         “Vp jd vance, just gave the best, most inspiring speech in my lifetime. Thank god for his voice and position in the world. Let freedom reign.Feb 14, 14:17

  • From Carol Jefferies:

    To Pete Buttigieg:

         “Pete needs to be the face of the party. He is one of the best communicators. Our current leaders are woefully inadequate and possibly have conflicts of interest that prevent them from doing the work needed to save us. Please help, pete!!Feb 14, 12:57

  • From Marcia W:

    To Mike DeWine:

         “For those of you who call yourselves christians, i would invite you to read the scriptures regarding how we are meant to treat the “least among us”. Our immigrants are an asset. Our immigrants are not criminals and do not eat our pets. Our immigrants love their children as much as we do our own. And our immigrants are being terrorized and oppressed by us citizens who believe trump’s lies. Our immigrants deserve the basic rights of all humanity. If you were faced with famine, war, oppression, or crime what would you be willing to risk for your children’s safety? These racist misinformed ideas and behaviors are shameful! These decent hardworking people deserve our protection. And unless you are of mistreated native american blood you came from immigrants too. Too woke for you? Sorry but maga really does need to wake up and know the truth.Feb 14, 12:25

  • From Greg:

    To J.D. Vance:

         “No true american who believes in democracy voted for the actions you and the the toddler donald are currently exercising. You are attacking our allies, while embracing dictators. Mid terms will be rough on you and your autocratic regime. Enjoy it jd its going to come crashing down on you and chump won’s give a **** about you or your family (just look at his track record). You are a true disgrace to the office and no one voted for what you two buffoons are doing.Feb 14, 12:20

  • From Lauri seorum:

    To Tim Walz:

         “Seriously if you think its ok for born males to play on womens sports teams something wrong in your head! They are just born stronger its a fact and its unfair and can cause serious injury might as well just ban womens sports, this is rediculousFeb 14, 11:47

  • From Anubis:

    To J.D. Vance:

         “Seemingly hitler to his apprentices vance, trump et musk.Feb 14, 11:30

  • From Norma W Dyas:

    To Bob Good:

         “Rep good, i am a republican supporter of you and president trump. Here is good advice: do not approve or even touch cuts to va hospitals or va benefits, no matter how you feel. It is kryponite. You will be swept out of office if you tamper with that topic. Richard dyas charlottesvilleFeb 14, 11:26

  • From Thomas F Will:

    To J.D. Vance:

         “Vice president vance. The biggest contribution you and president trump can do is to keep our sons and daughters out of any foreign war. Ukraine and all of the exotic minerals are not worth the death one us mmilitary person. We have rescued europe in 2 wars with the bood of thousands of our young people. We will not stand for this again. Europe should foot their own bill. We are out of the rescue business. Please stand tough with no us trroops in or around ukraine. Congrats and may god bless and protect you and your family!Feb 14, 11:15

  • From larry brooks:

    To Doug Collins:

         “Means testing is keeping our pensions from us. Va fights hard to keep monry from us while building their empire, you wll find theft. They are responsible for vet suicides.Feb 14, 11:01

  • From Debbie:

    To Tom Emmer:

         “, i did not vote for this. By allowing musk to slash and cut each department you and your fellow republicans are destroying our democracy. The international communities are threatening to wage trade wars, the pope has written a letter stating this will not end well, canadian citizens are boycotting america. Did you know they bring in $10 billion dollars in tourism monies? Not to mention the jobs being lost? Unemployment will go, inflation will rise and trump will be furious! No blaming biden for this one-it is all on the republicans. But somehow you all keep trying to re-write the facts! Your decisions are having a negative impact on millions of lives. You are under estimating the power of the american people, honorable emmer, we are not the stupid ones here. We have the power to vote, we have a voice for democracy and decency. We have the support of the international communities, who are watching in disbelief as you destroy our country and turn your backs on our allies.Feb 14, 09:16

  • From Greg D:

    To J.D. Vance:

         “Mr. Vice president, stay strong! You’ve already displayed more skills in a few weeks than most do in 4 years of service. I don’t believe people realize how much mess has to be purged and cleaned before starting. You can’t build a beautiful city after a hurricane or fire until the debris is cleaned up. Keep dusting the dirt off before the diamond shines. Great job and thank you for your service!Feb 14, 08:14

  • From Michal Kravčík:

    To Karen Bass:

         “Dear Mayor, I am sorry about what is happening with the weather in your region. Why is it so, can it be explained and can a suitable solution be created that will bring sustainable resilience. Also against fires, floods and the climate crisis. This can be prevented and a sustainable future can be ensured. Sincerely Michal KravčíkFeb 14, 07:30

  • From Kathleen A Walt:

    To Julie Fedorchak:

         “To whom it should concern! The united states of america, my country, my government was created by the people as a democratic republic with its citizens as the decision makers. That is how it has been for almost 250 years and that is how we demand that it remain! The republican party with trump at its head stole the helm! I know you may think that you continue to believe you have a winning number of constituents behind you to keep you safe and in power. However, consider how their numbers will dwindle as trump and musk continue destroying all the safeguards that the federal government offices have provided for them. Already grocery prices are climbing, farmers crops are dying in the ground without the migrant workers to pick them, or rotting at the docks where they were intended to be purchased by usaid, as the good will building programs are being destroyed . You, trump, and musk have spit in the face of our allies and caused our adversaries to rise up laughing at the weakened nation we are becoming. You should be shouting, as our forefathers once did “don’t tread on me” for we the people have a fearsome sting that you will surely feel if you don’t stop you autocratic crisis!Feb 13, 23:22

  • From Bob:

    To Eric Swalwell:

         “Cong swalwell, we are finally cleaning up government corruption that every president has wanted to do for the last 50 years, and you are against it???!! Tesla trucks were purchased under biden, not president trump. Quit making it sound like there’s corruption when the real corruption is our government. Why aren’t you behind it 100%?? Our government is out of control in their spending and you know it. I wish for one minute you would give credit where credit is due and quit being partisan about everything just for the sake of it. Btw, can you name some of the things you’ve done to reduce spending in our government?Feb 13, 22:13

  • From John Pouncy:

    To Robert F. Kennedy Jr.:

         “Mr. Kennedy, i like a lot of other americans is struggling to save our children from the fentanyl that’s pouring through our borders. The current treatments are not strong enough to combat the addition. Thank you for loving this country and god speed my friend. Heartbroken fatherFeb 13, 20:35

  • From Heather:

    To Brandon Gill:

         “Looking at this man’s face makes me feel as though i’ve just taken a large bite of a plastic apple. He’s got the uncanny, soulless quality of a wax figure. I’m no conspiracy theorist, but are we sure they didn’t build an evil robot? Because otherwise this inexplicably human man just has the appearance and personality of an evil robot. Either way, my thoughts and prayers to his constituents for having to look at him. :'(Feb 13, 18:42

  • From Judy Stern:

    To Jasmine Crockett:

         “Thank you for all that you’re doing in being brave and speaking out on the craziness and takeover of our government. It’s crazy that this is happening and scary as well. Please…Be safe cuz there are too many crazy people out thereFeb 13, 17:24

  • From Arley Downs:

    To William Timmons:

         “I am and always have been a republican. I worked in alabama in the 60s to get more than one party resulting in the first gop primary. However now the senate and the house loyalty to trump has cause the gop to not be loyal to their constituents, not be loyal to right and wrong and ignore any possibility for bipartisan agreements. Please place your loyalty where it should be and get a backbone by voting for what you know is right.Feb 13, 16:35

  • From ValHG:

    To Steve Womack:

         “I am repulsed that the us marshalls were not sent in immediately to arrest the outlaw immigrant who orchestrated an illegal and hostile coup takeover of our government! Along with the **** tray tor who is pretending to be our president!!Feb 13, 16:08

  • From Noel Taylor:

    To Susie Wiles:

         “Teslas? Cutting Social Security?Feb 13, 15:01

  • From Everything Matters:

    To Robert Garcia:

         “Thanks for your service Mr. Garcia! Now it’s time for your lying ass to resign. The comments you made are disgusting. Your best bet is to shut your trap and let the adults Handle this one. You’re a *** ! But something tells me you already know this!Feb 13, 13:59

  • From bob:

    To Dan Newhouse:

         “Get rid of musk now!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Feb 13, 13:40

  • From Sammy:

    To Mitch McConnell:

         “You are to **** old have mental laps just like joe get the **** outFeb 13, 13:39

  • From Joseph R Virgil:

    To Robert F. Kennedy Jr.:

         “I feel we need to take a serious look into the overall health of all amerocans. Every aspect of our health programs needs to be reviewed and analyzed. Congratulations on your confirmation. Thank you for your personal commitment to making us healthier.Feb 13, 12:56

  • From Judi Finbiner:

    To Andrew S. Clyde:

         “Representative clyde, your actions are treasonous as you are not abiding by the constitutions checks and balances. I implore you to have a conscience and drop your articles of treasonous and save democracy, not destroy our beautiful country!Feb 13, 12:34

  • From Tom Walker:

    To Marco Rubio:

         “Please do something about trump and hegseth dealing with putin on ukraine. Their statements yesterday are shocking to the usa and nato allies. We need bold leadership to call fouls when they happen, not after the fact. Russia invaded ukraine and millions of people have suffered at putin’s hands. As a nation and with our allies, the usa has helped ukraine for the past 2 years to fight against putin’s unlawful, horrific war. You are our us representative of the people who voted for you for freedom. It’s time to stand tall and honorable and demand that we stand with our allies and ukraine in this brutal fight against tyranny.Feb 13, 12:07

  • From Diana Louise Hop:

    To Michael F. Bennet:

         “I am writing to you and requesting you do not confirm any of the lunatics donald trump has chosen. The reason he has selected these idiots is because they will do anything he wants them to do. I am an 81-year-old coloradan and depend on medicare for my health. I have lived a long life, so i am not so worried about me but about my children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren. This country is the only really free country, we need to keep it that way. Donald trump, elon musk, and many of his choices are in it for themselves. We were warned in his first election that he was going to do this and that he wanted to be a dictator when he said, “and some people think i should run for a third term”. None of what he is doing should be a surprise to anyone who really listened to his first campaign and to his second and his third. These are evil people and must be stopped. We just heard that robert kenedy has just been confirmed. He is a basket case himself, and his family warned against him. When did the cap on how much one person could donate to a campaign get changed? Allowing musk to give millions to donald trump only meant that he was bought and paid for. We need to fight like **** to preserve our country!!Feb 13, 11:49

  • From Kaos and Control:

    To Nancy Mace:

         “I find you to be a disgrace to your office and frankly it would not surprise me if you were a transperson. How you supported a convicted felon as potos and buddied up with matt gaetz is appalling. God sees everything-by the way-buy a mirror for your office-you look like a man.Feb 13, 09:34

  • From Scott:

    To Susie Wiles:

         “Btw congressional eyes got us into this mess in the first place! YFeb 13, 09:33

  • From Anthony Ezekial:

    To Brandon Gill:

         “The dude is a worthless sub-human racist turd. I’d check his crazy-***** daddy-in-laws citizenship. Wish i was a younger man so i could have this conversation with him face to face.Feb 13, 09:15


    To Summer Lee:

         “No to— hr40, no 20 million dollars for reparations study, no to dei, no to affirmative action. Those days are over. America is 37 trillion dollars in debt. The only way to make it in the u.S.A. Is to study and hard work. No more crutches, hand outs, hand ups, jump ahead of the line, low iq hires, welfare first, poor excuses to work, lazy people, no free rides for addicted to drugs and or alcohol persons and broken homes and convicts. The only way to succeed in america is quality education and hard work, no cheating for all legal american citizens.Feb 13, 09:02

  • From Tommytwotone:

    To Mike Pence:

         “Mike , you need to just get out of politics. Nobody cares about you and you are a traitor to our country. Appropriate a fly landed on your head during debate cause it tells us you are full of ****. Get out of politics and shut your fat mouthFeb 13, 08:47

  • From eli Sillius:

    To Debra Haaland:

         “Hello, even i am a old grey man from the netherlands,i should be proud if debra will reach that goal because it is extremely important that she, as a representative of the very first inhabitants of america, can make their voices heard. We forget all too quickly that they are the basis of america’s existence eliFeb 13, 04:31

  • From Carrie W Kee:

    To Lauren Boebert:

         “Dear Representative Boebert, I understand that you support the President’s agenda. When I joined the Army Reserves in 1977, I swore to uphold the Constitution. I believe that oath was very similar to the one you promised to uphold. My friend met you at Isabel’s coffee in Elizabeth and told me you were very honorable. Please carefully consider your vote even if there are threats to your career as a politician. As a nurse in the Army Reserves, I felt it was my duty to lay down my life to protect a patient or other soldier. Please do the right thing. Thank youFeb 12, 21:50

  • From Paul Johns:

    To Jasmine Crockett:

         “Thanks for the help in your support for president trump! Keep your message going. I love it!Feb 12, 20:39

  • From Vito Randazzo:

    To Robert Garcia:

         “You have shown yourself to be a fool with something to hide. Why are you not fighting for transparency and cutting wasteful spending, looking for fraud, and abuse of tax payer monies??? You did not ask one question to seek the knowledge. You just blabbered about elon musk and trump spouted about medicare and medicaid. Do your job or resign.Feb 12, 19:44

  • From Canada Strong and Free:

    To Donald Trump:

         “You know what john gaychak, after reading your tweets, you know what i think—you and trump and musk should take one of musk’s rockets to the sun— you all would be dumb enough to do that,, ha… Ha… Got you good.Feb 12, 17:50

  • From Tracy Lynne Widder:

    To Kristi Noem:

         “Please kristi. Stop the tourist visa’s from chili. It is a criminal crime ring that are burglarizing our homes in california.Feb 12, 17:44

  • From Canada Strong and Free:

    To Donald Trump:

         “What the **** planet do you live on?–planet xFeb 12, 17:41

  • From Canada Strong and Free:

    To Donald Trump:

         “Mr, trump. You and your cronies are investigating fraud. That’s a laugh. You should all look in the mirror. And keep your filty hands the **** off canada. It is only dictators who have pipe dreams to take over territory that doesn’t belong to them.Feb 12, 17:36

  • From Richartd Deming Jr.:

    To Liz Cheney:

         “Musk and trump must be stopped…!!!!!! America has no choice. Trump are musk are traitors…!!!!!!Feb 12, 17:02

  • From John R Holden:

    To Mike Thompson:

         “Hi mike thanks for everything you do. Especially your help during the tubbs fire. I have heard you sponsored a recent bill that would be quite helpful for my family. Feb 12, 16:25


    To Mike Johnson:

         “Mike, you should invite matt goetz, pete hegseth, jfk, jr, tulsi gabbard, kash patel, kristi noem, neishwait, vivek ramaswamy, homan, marjoree greene, guilfoyle, elon musk, and other the same ilk trump’d daertboard thrown together menarie of maga pasrrots, butt lickers, macaques, mandrillc, capuchins and warthogs for dinner with chef jd vance and his haitian helpers serving broiled cats, barbecuted dogs, maga squirrels, a hillbilly delicacy and as dessert moles a la holes, rat combo without tails, and appertiff, rabbit kaka and bat juice..Feb 12, 16:09

  • From Beth Gershon:

    To Hakeem Jeffries:

         ““not so opposition party — president donald trump’s claims about a politically weaponized justice system have been embraced and amplified recently by some unexpected sources: some of the best-known names in the democratic party. It’s a stunning, though perhaps not totally surprising turn — and it might help boost the president’s attempts to remake the department of justice and the federal bureau of investigation.” taken from politico. What are you guys going to do about it all! Keep going to those rallies! Soon you and everyone else will be arrested. We’re becoming a dictatorship and i see nothing concrete being done. Chuck schumer reading a condemnation statement is not going to do it. Please find some sane republicans to vote against him! So much of what he’s doing is illegal, just sayin!Feb 12, 15:41

  • From Sharon Major:

    To Doug LaMalfa:

         “I am alarmed at the presiden’ts allowing of elon musk and his tech bro’s to access our personal information. I am a retired rn who worked 42 years. I have earned my pension and social security. What have they done with our information? This is illegal. Musk should be called to court to answer to the law. The president needs to make him stop what he is doing immediately and show proof that he destroys personal info that he has accessed. From what i’ve seen and heard, he is making decisions that only benefit him and not the american people. Please do something!Feb 12, 15:37

  • From Jody:

    To Brandon Gill:

         “You are a terrible person for circulating the petition to deport ilhan omar. Let’s deport you instead since you are so intolerant and maybe i don’t like your smile or your hairstyle or who you like. She is an american citizen and, in case you have forgotten, america doesn’t treat it’s citizens this way.Feb 12, 15:32

  • From Judy Johnson:

    To Raphael G. Warnock:

         “Please support president trump and elon musk. Thank youFeb 12, 15:31

  • From Anne Greenfield:

    To J.D. Vance:

         “I’m a fiscal conservative, but i’m appalled at the violations of the constitution by the administration. You took an oath to preserve, protect and defend the constitution. Your saying that the courts are “weaponizing” politics attacks the legitimacy of the judicial branch. Grants of temporary restraining orders to date that indicate the judges’ decision that the plaintiffs have a strong chance of showing the challenged executive orders and actions violate the constitution. Suggesting you might not follow those orders is unacceptable–a terrible precedent for future administrations! The agency closures, firings, usurpation of congressional powers without seeking congressional modification of legislation and appropriations are being challenged on legitimate constitutional bases, whatever the ultimate rulings. And the administration saying it won’t enforce the fcpa is a clear violation of article ii, section iii of the constitution, under which the president and you must ensure that the laws are “faithfully executed”. It would be legitimate to ask congress to modify the fcpa but you can’t decline to enforce it. .Don’t put politics above your integrity and oath to defend the constitution.Feb 12, 15:27

  • From RFP:

    To Anna Paulina Luna:

         “Congress Moves to Declassify JFK, UAP UFOs and More. I hope this truely is going to happen. We should know what is realy going on. Our representatives are to work for us, not the other way around.Feb 12, 14:56

  • From Dawne Edmonds:

    To Tim Burchett:

         “You made sense until you were on news nation and then said how some republicans wife or girlfriend who works for one of those organizations losing funding complains and then the republicans will squeal. – are republican representatives only old white men? I am a white female republican veteran who takes great offense to the way you said that on the newscast. You were making such good points. I work for a government organization that is being engaged for significant changes and i applaud it. But your comments are offensive. This is the first time i have written something like this. You lost your entire message.Feb 12, 14:33

  • From Lyle:

    To Ashley Hinson:

         “See a lot of trump bashing in the comments below. Even more musk hate. Didn’t know trump derangement syndrom /was so endemic in iowa. As a life long iowan let it be known i am 100% behind donald trump and elon musk. If they appear to be doing too much, too quickly, they must. The job(s) the american people asked them to do is enormus. Some of our problems have been ignored by both republican and democratic administrations in part, because of their enormity. Then there is the corruption element. It needs to be dealt with. And to do so fairly and accurately, there must be some investigating. Anyone fearful of an investigation usually has a closet full of skeletons. I trust elon musk to lead these investigations fairly and accurately. And, although he has made some radical appearing statements, and is not an elected official, he is doing a wonder hiful job shaking up the status quo. The status quo is in part how we got to where we are today. Messed up and broke. We won’t recover from it with out radical change. And by the way, there are a lot of people that hold office that have not upheld their oath of office and belong in jail. #Feb 12, 13:58

  • From Judith E Hartl:

    To J.D. Vance:

         “Since you’re such a loyal catholic, you certainly must have read the pope’s missive on immigration. Doesnt’ seem to show in your behavior, though. Maybe you’re a fake catholic.Feb 12, 13:49

  • From Lyle:

    To Ashley Hinson:

         “And possibly the human race.Feb 12, 13:38

  • From Lyle:

    To Ashley Hinson:

         “There is help for tds. Really.Feb 12, 13:34

  • From Overcooked Frog:

    To Deb Haaland:

         “You can be charged with a crime as well as sued for civil penalties for making slanderous statements online. Some of us will have no problem filing a complain with the authorities if you keep it up. Speak true facts, or don’t speak.Feb 12, 12:47

  • From Overcooked Frog:

    To Deb Haaland:

         “Nm was never a blue state until recently. You are not authorized to re-invent history just because you prefer the agenda of racists, facists, and traitors to the united states constitution, for which i and hundreds of thousands of veterans fought for. Republicans are breaking the law every day in washington dc. If you want to fix something, how about you fix your problem before claiming to have false insight?Feb 12, 12:44

  • From Pat:

    To Pete Buttigieg:

         “Can Pete get back on Fox and tell the truth about this coup.Feb 12, 12:21

  • From James Devlin:

    To Robert G. Salesses:

         “Your not defense secretary , the drunken , woman abuser and lier is. Now please pass on to hegspeth , that he can also suck putins *****……Along with don the cons……Feb 12, 12:14

  • From David Thomas:

    To Scott DesJarlais:

         “I think it’s time for you to look into what is happening to our public utilities services in tennessee. Particularly in moore county. They are absolutely crushing people here. As well as many others. I have not ran my heat pump since last summer and just got a 300$ light bill. And i know that’s small potatoes, but there’s folks just trying to keep warm thats coughing up 5 or 600$ per month and more! I’m not talking about running a shop or high voltage equipment. I’m talking about my house! 2000 sq. Ft.Feb 12, 12:12

  • From Jennifer daily:

    To J.D. Vance:

         “So since you seem to disappear and musk has now taken over the white house. Vp trump and president musk need to be stopped in know your only vp in name only but the constitution does work and there’s something you can do to get rid of these two. Or are you to much of a coward? It seems the men of the so called republican party have no spine. So act like a man and a leader and do something. It’s funny you dummies said the immigrants were invading this country when trump/musk are talking about invading 3 countries. Do something now we the people have spokenFeb 12, 11:33